Digita Consumer Electronics Handbook, McGraw Hill, 1997.
Digital Consumer Electronics Handbook, McGraw Hill, 1997.
A comprehensive guide to today's fast-changing world of digital consumer electronics, including complete details on:
Key enabling technologies
The latest standards
Delivery and reception systems
Imaging products, audio products
Information and communication products
Media appliances
Residential automation
Based on a few fundamental digital concepts, the handbook takes you step by step through the technologies for optical disk systems, the digital video disk (DVD), HDTV, digital cable systems, video dialtone, digital VCRs and cam-corders, digital photography, CD players, PCs, digital video telephones and more. Including over 650 helpful illustrations, this reference tool will enables understanding of the most complex digital technologies.
Skip Pizzi’s contribution to this book is its chapter on “U.S. Digital Radio Broadcasting Systems.” AVAILABLE FROM PUBLISHER>>
SKIP PIZZI | 12178 LINCOLN LAKE WAY | SUITE 10107 | FAIRFAX, VIRGINIA 22030 USA | +1 703.802.8010 | FAX: +1 703.802.8011