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ARTICLES: Radio World 2008
Radio World newspaper,New Bay Media
"The Big Picture" by Skip Pizzi ...............................................................................................................................................
09.24.08 Mythology Revised for the Digital Age Pandora's shutdown would serve as a bellwether for the entire Internet radio industry. If one of the largest and most successful companies in this business cannot stay afloat, how can other, smaller operators hope to survive?
08.13.08 In Search of the Universal Receiver Whether such a device is produced by mandate or voluntarily, it would combine both forms of satellite radio with both forms of terrestrial radio, something that no device manufactured to date has done....
08.01.08 Contradictions in Digital Media Like many periods of dramatic change that preceded it, the digital media revolution is coping with internal struggles as it finds its way....
07.16.08 When Evolution Just Isn't Enough The IBOC transition is evolutionary in every sense of the word. This implies that it could take geologic epochs of time to elapse before it concludes. And this may be just too slow for the species to survive...
07.02.08 Survival in a More Competitive World But it is worthwhile to consider how the medium might fare in a new digital world. In fact, as my industry colleague Glynn Walden has recently pointed out, after Feb. 19, 2009, radio will be the sole remaining analog mass medium...
06.18.08 Can Radio Shed Its Lead Boots? Clearly if the industry is to survive in the corporate marketplace, it needs to reverse these trends; and the sooner the better. This is especially true at the station level, where the problem seems most acute....
06.04.08 2020: The Biggest Loser vs. Tiny Tim In a sad irony, there was a time when this particular new year had been touted as a target for reinvigoration of the medium...
05.21.08 Lead, Follow or Get Out of the Way For a long time broadcasters have assumed that the digital revolution would take hold in their industry when they, the broadcasters, wanted it to...
05.07.08 Trading Spaces, Shifting Gears Some observers have remarked that this spells trouble for radio as other competitive services become increasingly more convenient...
04.09.08 Polarizing the Receiver Marketplace This dichotomy affects the landscape in which these types of services currently try to compete with each other...
03.26.08 DAB on the Up and Down Track Some 25 years since its development and nearly a decade since its first real service introductions, DAB is still experiencing a roller-coaster deployment...
03.12.08 Avoiding the Audio LCD Last time we discussed how radio is assuming the “fast food” position among competitive services, and how that might hurt its status in the future. This time we’ll consider some other ways to keep this problem at bay...
03.01.08 Would You Like Fries With That? Time was when radio stations were the only audio restaurants in town, and they served up all you could eat. Whether you liked country, classical or classic rock, you knew where to go to get an earful...
02.13.08 Toward an Embarrassement of Nichess An example of this phenomenon is evidenced in the music world by the movement away from blockbuster hits and toward “catalog” material and emerging or lesser-known artists...
02.01.08 Turning Some Tight Corners for IBOC The recently concluded 2008 CES convention showed that IBOC continues to make small but steady gains in the consumer marketplace, at least in terms of receiver products offered. Nevertheless, a number of important issues will ...
01.02.08 The Mystery of the Missing Days You’ve probably heard a lot about Net Neutrality, and may have wondered what it really means. No wonder; it seems to mean a lot of different things to different people...